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Parent Support Groups for the English Program

Parent Support Groups are divided into three phases, namely primary care groups, basic gospel groups and weekly message groups. Parents will get to know each other in their groups and start to have basic ideas about the Christian faith. Each group will be led by a group leader.

Primary Care Groups

In these groups, we hope to get to know parents who newly join us and share with them some parenting methods and tips, and create a support platform for them.

Basic Gospel Groups

In these groups, parents will get a preliminary understanding of the Christian faith. Group leaders will pray with the parents and provide a platform for those who wish to seek a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and teachings.

Weekly Message Groups

These groups listen to a general bible message each week, followed by application of the same in their daily lives. Group leaders have a chance to get to know the parents more and pray with them regularly for more physical, mental and spiritual support.

Related Links
Testimonies from Parents
Audios of
Weekly Bible Messages
Testimonies from Group Leaders





自從離開服事了一段頗長時間的 「英文研讀聖經團契」後,我毅然走進了「生命互補」服事一班來自草根階層的新移民家長。 這個另類的服事令我看到上帝救恩之手的確是無處不在,令自己也不斷為這些家庭作出感恩的禱告。 

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