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S.O.A.R. Platform

S.O.A.R. Platform is launched!

“Do for others what you want them to do for you.” (Matthew 7:12)

Children use all sorts of materials and supplies from kindergarten to primary school, such as school uniforms and school bags. In most families, these items are used for a short period of time and become obsolete. Please wait! You may consider donating them to us before instead of throwing them away! Maybe we can pass them on to someone in need!
In the S.O.A.R. family, we learn to help and love each other, and share resources with one another, so that everyone can feel the love and support from the community. We will place the donated items on this platform for anyone who may have need for these items to come and take them home.
May the Lord bless you all. Let us build this platform together and let this love pass on.

All donations will only be kept for one month. If necessary, please come to the S.O.A.R. Centre to collect them as soon as possible.

Books for Parents

Our Centre has books which are suitable for parents. We would like to gift these to interested parents who may come to our Centre during office hours to browse and collect.

List of books available:

  • 《10個跑贏兔子的方法 10 Interesting Ideas for You》

  • 《Horlicks好立克食譜》

  • 《戀愛防腐學 LOVE form A to Z》

  • 《人生有盼望》

  • 《新型冠狀病毒感染肺炎防毒護本》

  • 《美好的親密關係 - 明白上帝對性的心意》

  • 《下一步是什麼 - 開始基督徒的生活》

  • 《馬可福音 - 研經進階》

  • 《再婚的甜酸苦辣》

  • 《尋求婚姻的禱告詞 - 姊妹篇》

  • 《管錢 - 讓你受益一生的金錢法則》

  • 《再造 香港 - 從社會創新到參與規劃》

  • 《三個箱子整理術》

  • 《懶系基督徒的20個盲動基因》

  • 《選擇住在小房子》

  • 《飛越牢籠》

  • 《市井默想 - 春》

  • 《市井默想 - 秋》

  • 《樂在靈修》

  • 《初信栽培系列》

  1. 讀經與禱告

  2. 甜蜜的靈修

  3. 在教會裏

  4. 基督教要義

  5. 生活的指標

  6. 信徒與世界

  • 《好好戀愛》 散文+影集+CD

  • 《家事斷捨離》

  • 《整裝迎壓力 - 應付生活的壓力》

  • 《詩篇 1-50篇》

  • 《一日一角落 - 無痛整理術》

  • 《擁有失去》

  • 《殺死你的不是 轉變 》

  • 《富爸爸-有錢有理青少年》

  • 《 憂鬱情緒-理解與介入》

  • 《我的疑惑有誰知?》

  • 《乘性追擊》

  • 《談談情。說說性》

  • 《知己莫若我》

  • 《小鬱亂入-抱緊處理》

  • 《自我教練- 發現54個人生起跌的規律》

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